Grange for Birmingham Athletics Dinner July 9
July 1, 2011
Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Hon. Olivia Grange will be the main speaker at a fundraising dinner being held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Birmingham on July 9 to support the Jamaica Amateur Athletics Association (JAAA).

The gala affair which is being staged by the Association of Jamaican Nationals in association with Birmingham City Council will be held the evening before the big Diamond League meet at which several Jamaican athletes are expected to participate.
Among the guests expected to be in attendance at the dinner are Preseident of the JAAA Howard Aris and Leader of Birmingham City Council, Mike Whitby.
Several of the athletes who will be performing at the Diamond League meet at Alexander Stadium will also be in attendance.
Chair of the Association of Jamaican Nationals, Mrs Beverley Lindsay (OBE) said the event is but one of many intiatives the community is undertaking with the city council as the City of Birmingham gets ready to host the Jamaican athletics team’s training camp ahead of the London Olympic games in July and August next year.
Mrs. Lindsay said: “This fundraising dinner is a chance to really get a taste of 2012 and experience a truly unique opportunity to meet and talk with the athletes who will be hoping to take away Olympic gold in 12 months time.
“By attending this dinner, not only will you be able to meet with these Diamond League and Olympic stars but you will also be helping to make the Jamaican Olympic dream happen for future generations.”
Mr Howard Aris said: “The Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association recognises that world class athletes require the very best of training facilities and realise that the city of Birmingham will provide a truly excellent, relaxed and comfortable base for the team to fine tune their preparations for Olympic glory. Events like this will help to make sure that these preparations happen and that everyone involved from Jamaica and Birmingham experience the best possible 2012.”
The evening will begin at 6.30pm with a rum punch reception with the Jamaican athletics stars in attendance. It will be followed by a Jamaican themed dinner. There will be an official welcome by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham and after the dinner the keynote speakers will be the Honourable Olivia Grange MP, Jamaican Minister for Youth, Sports and Culture and Dave Moorcroft MBE, OBE. There will also be a fundraising auction and raffle with some fantastic prizes available including two tickets to any Virgin Airlines destination in the world. There will also be entertainment provided by saxophonist Millicent Stephenson, singer Anestha and DJ, the Loxley Stewart Road Show.
Tickets cost £75.