Knowledge Network Linking Jamaicans
July 1, 2011
The Jamaica Diaspora Knowledge Network has been providing a very useful network for Jamaicans across the Diaspora to share ideas and information.

The web portal at was implemented by the Mona School of Business of the UWI, through the Jamaica Diaspora Institute, the Jamaica Diaspora UK, and the Birmingham based Kajans Network. It was funded through a European Union-United Nations Joint Migration and Development Initiative.
Executive Director of the Jamaica Diaspora Institute (JDI), Professor Neville Ying said that there was a strong connection between the project and the objectives of the JDI. He said the web portal was an integral part of the objectives and activities of the Institute and it will form important building blocks for the future work of the JDI.
“We see the web portal as having great value for information and communication for the Diaspora and Jamaica. Consequently, through the web portal we seek to connect, inform and share”, Professor Ying said.
“The portal seeks to connect people by creating social and business networks for friendship, mutual support, networking and partnerships. It informs people by providing information on current affairs, topical issues, events , business opportunities, research and public policy,” Professor Ying added.
The portal holds a number of important databases including a Diaspora Skills Bank/Jobs Bank, a database of community based projects and a database of research on issues related to the Diaspora.
Director of the Centre of Excellence Dr. Maurice McNaughton said: “This is not just about a website and a technology project. There is far more to this than that. It is enormous what the potential for this can be if we get the human capital to become involved.”
The Diaspora web portal can be accessed at