Guidelines for Donating Educational Materials through National Education Trust (NET)
- Prior to shipping the items, the shipper is to communicate with the National Education Trust (NET) to determine the suitability of the goods and whether or not they attract customs duties.
- Information on computers being donated must be submitted prior to shipping to ensure that they are suitable for the intended purpose.
- Adequate notice is to be given prior to shipping to allow for all the necessary approvals. This will prevent extended delays at the port of entry and possible storage/demurrage charges. This information can be emailed to either of the following addresses: Contact Us/Feedback or/and Contact Us/Feedback
- Letters of offer to the institutions should be sent prior to shipping of the goods.
- The goods must be consigned to the NET. Do not consign the goods to an individual or school. However, you can indicate the recipient school. For example, National Education Trust for Rainbow High.
- Do not package educational and non-educational goods (e.g. medical supplies) together as the approval processes and requirement for customs clearance differ.
- Do not package personal items and educational materials together.
- A Customs Broker is required for goods valued over US$5,000
- Customs Administrative Fee (CAF) will have to be paid and cannot be waived.
- It is better to ship items by way of pallets, container, D container, crates, skids, drums or barrels as shipping large quantities of small packages outside of these package types will attract a higher CAF
- Failure to abide by the guidelines may result in delays at the ports. Where relevant requirements are not met, goods may have to be detained until the relevant approval is received or full duties will become payable.
For Clearance
The following documentation is to be sent ahead of the arrival of the goods to the NET.
- The Bill of Lading and/or Air Waybill
- Invoice( if goods are new)
- List of goods and approximate value (if the goods were pre-owned.)
- Completed Electronic Donation Form
When goods are accompanying passengers it is critical that the approvals be obtained and the necessary letters be obtained ahead of the arrival of the person, as they will have to be shown to the Customs Officer. This may be done either by the letters being sent to the arriving passengers before they leave their country of residence or by the letters being presented to the Customs Officer by a representative of the receiving institution. The itinerary of person(s) traveling with the goods is also to be provided in advance.
The approval process takes a maximum of ten (10) working days.
For further information you may contact the following officers at the NET: